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Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961

Luncheon for Governor Kerr

From left to right, Senator Elmer Thomas, Senator Alben W. Barkley, Governor Robert S. Kerr, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Democratic National Committee Chairman Robert E. Hannegan, and Senator James Tunnell at a luncheon in Washington, D.C., given in honor of Governor Kerr. Governor Kerr was the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention.

Hannegan with House Democrats

Democratic National Committee Chairman and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan (center) meets with House Democrats in Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn's office. Pictured are (left to right): Sam O'Neal, Publicity Director of the Democratic National Committee; Richard Nacy, Executive Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee; Representative Patrick Drewry of Virginia; Hannegan; Rayburn; Representative John McCormack of Massachusetts; Oscar Ewing, Vice-Chairman of the Democratic National Committee; and George Killion, Secretary-Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee.

Prime Minister Attlee Addressing Joint Session of Congress

British Prime Minister Clement Attlee addresses a joint session of Congress. Senator Kenneth McKellar (left) and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn (right) are seated directly behind the Prime Minister. Also present are (from left to right in the front row): Secretary of War James Forrestal, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, and Attorney General Tom Clark. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman and Congressional Leaders

Left to right: President Harry S. Truman, Representative John McCormack, Senator Scott Lucas, and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn in consultation during their regular Monday morning meeting. This photo won third prize in the presidential class of the White House Photographer's Association contest in February, 1950. It is by New York Times photographer George Tames, and is entitled "Straight from the Boss."

Tom Clark Sworn In as Associate Justice

Tom C. Clark (foreground, left) sworn in as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson (foreground, right) with President Harry S. Truman (center)] looking on. Standing in the background are, from left to right: Georgia Clark (wife of Ramsey Clark), Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer, Mrs. Tom Clark (Mary Ramsey), Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson.

Vinson Swearing In Tom Clark as Associate Justice

Former Attorney General Tom C. Clark (foreground, left) being sworn in as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson (foreground, right). President Harry S. Truman (center) watches. Standing in the background are, from left to right: unidentified woman, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Secretary of Commerce Louis Johnson, remainder unidentified.