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Patterson, Robert Porter, 1891-1952

President Truman Presented the International Harmon Trophy to Major Alexander P. De Seversky

President Harry S. Truman in White House ceremonies presented the International Harmon Trophy to Major Alexander P. De Seversky, aviator, aeronautical engineer, author and authority on air strategy and tactics. The Lique Internationale Des Aviateurs awarded the trophy for "outstanding leadership, patriotism, unselfish devotion to the security and aeronautical progress of the United States." Left to right: Mrs. De Seversky, Major De Seversky, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson and President Truman.

President Harry S. Truman presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to James F. Byrnes

President Harry S. Truman presents the Distinguished Service Medal to Secretary of State James F. Byrnes for his three years of service as director of the Office of War Mobilization. The ceremony took place on the South Lawn of the White House. Left to right: General George C. Marshall, U. S. Military Chief of Staff; President Truman; Secretary Byrnes; Robert P. Patterson, Undersecretary of War (obscured); Mrs. Byrnes; and Admiral William Leahy, Personal Chief of Staff to the President. From: Beth Gore.