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Patterson, Robert Porter, 1891-1952

Photo of Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson testifying before the Senate War Contract Investigating Committee

Photo of Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson testifying before the Senate War Contract Investigating Committee. Representative Andrew J. May (D-KY) on three occasions interceded for the Garsson industrial munitions "paper empire". Patterson has ordered the funds of the "paper empire" frozen to "protect" the Government. From: Beth Gore.

Photo of Rep. Andrew J. May and Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson

Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson urged the House Military Affairs Committee to speed action on a bill to establish a nine-man commission to control domestic research in the development of atomic energy. Atomic energy, Patterson declared, is too big for any one government agency to handle, and the War Department wants to be relieved of its responsibility. Photo shows left to right, Rep. Andrew J. May (D-KY) Chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee, and Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson. From: Beth Gore.

Photo of Under Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson appearing before the Senate Military Affairs Committee

Under Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson told the Senate Military Affairs Committee that the Army expects to discharge six million men by next July 1 under the point system. He vigorously defended the demobilization program and said that although some mistakes may have been made in the past the overall job will be carried out fairly and justly. From: Beth Gore.

Photo showing Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson presenting the Medal for Merit to Philip Murray, President of the CIO

Photo showing Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson presenting the Medal for Merit to Philip Murray, President of the CIO, for Mr. Murray's services "in connection with the mobilization and leadership of American workers throughout the industrial emergency existing during the Second World War". From: Beth Gore.