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O'Connor, Basil, 1892-1972

Basil O'Connor speaking at Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the Truman Library

Basil O'Connor, Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Harry Truman Memorial Library, stands at the podium and addresses the crowd at groundbreaking ceremonies for the $1,750,000 Truman Library to be erected at Slover Park on grounds donated by the City of Independence, Missouri. (See also 94-209.) (Slightly smaller version of 59-577) From: Truman Library Dedication.

In Cleveland, Ohio, former President Harry S. Truman speaks at a fund raising dinner for the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman speaks at a fund-raising dinner in Cleveland, Ohio for the Harry S. Truman Library. Directly behind him is Cyrus Eaton, industrial magnate. In the right-hand corner is Basil O'Connor of Harry S. Truman Library, Inc. The others are unknown.

Labor leaders Carey, McDonald, and Reuther present checks to Basil O'Connor for Truman Library fund raising

At ceremonies at CIO headquarters, CIO President Walter Reuther, CIO Secretary-Treasurer James B. Carey and USA-CIO President David J. McDonald presented checks in the amount of $250,000 to Basil O'Connor, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Harry S. Truman Library, Inc., to be used for construction of the Truman Library at Grandview, Missouri. The CIO contribution amounted to $150,000, and the gift of the Steelworkers Union was for $100,000. Left to right are: James B. Carey, Basil O'Connor, David J. McDonald, and Walter Reuther.

Harry S. Truman at groundbreaking for Truman Library

Left to right: Basil O'Connor, former President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Edwin Pauley, Edwin Pauley, Mary Jane Truman, and Independence Mayor Robert Weatherford at the groundbreaking for the future Harry S. Truman Library. The City of Independence donated Slover Park for the library grounds. From: Copied from original photographs loaned to the library by Harry Barth. Originals were returned to Mr. Barth.