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O'Connor, Basil, 1892-1972

Basil O'Connor Speaking In Warm Springs

Basil O'Connor, President of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, speaking from a podium in front of Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia. Seated from left to right are Warm Springs Mayor Frank W. Allcorn and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan. All others unidentified. O'Connor is speaking at a Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp Ceremony at Roosevelt's Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia.

Dedication ceremony of the Harry S. Truman Library

Dedication ceremony of the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence. Pictured left to right in front row: unidentified, Independence Mayor Robert P. Weatherford, unidentified, Sam Rayburn, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, former President Herbert Hoover, former President Truman, Basil O'Connor, unidentified at podium. from: Copied from photographs loaned to the Library by Mary Shaw Branton.