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O'Connor, Basil, 1892-1972

Continuation of KCMO Broadcast of Truman Library Dedication

Conclusion of dedication ceremonies for the Harry S. Truman Library. This recording includes MC Basil O'Connor turning the deed to the Truman Library to the US Government, and Administrator of General Services Administration Franklin G. Floete's remarks upon acceptance. In his remarks, Floete conveys President Eisenhower's message. Former president Harry S. Truman introduces former president Herbert Hoover and former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Mr. Truman gives brief remarks as he conveys the Truman Papers and Artifacts to Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States.

KCMO Broadcast of the Dedication of the Truman Library

Remarks at the dedication ceremonies for the Harry S. Truman Library (full ceremony is 1 hr., 5 min. - HST speaks for 3 min.). SR72-4-1 is the beginning of the ceremony, which includes MC Basil O'Connor, an invocation by Archbishop of the Kansas City-Saint Joseph Diocese John P. Cody; the National Anthem sung by Phil Regan; welcoming remarks by Independence Mayor Robert P. Weatherford, Jr.; remarks by Governor of Missouri James T. Blair; Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn; Assistant Minority Leader of the House Charles Halleck; Minority Leader of the Senate William F.

President Truman's Radio Remarks on the 10th Anniversary of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

President Harry S. Truman's radio remarks on the 10th Anniversary of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, on Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday. The remarks were broadcast from the White House at 11:50 p.m. and were part of a larger program to raise money for the March of Dimes broadcast on NBC. Celebrities participate from Hollywood in the program. Margaret O'Brien serves as the MC of the show. Judy Canova sings "I'm So Glad That This is '48." Eddie Cantor and James Cagney do a dramatization of a fairy tale about two dimes.

Former President Truman at banquet honoring him on his 70th birthday

A series of five photos showing former President Harry S. Truman, Bess, and Margaret Truman during a banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel honoring Mr. Truman on his 70th birthday. The dinner, given by the Truman Library Committee, seeks to raise $1,500,000 to build a Library in Independence. Seated between Bess and Margaret Truman is Basil O'Connor. Former President Truman is at podium.