Life Magazine
Photo of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Blair House after the Assassination Attempt on President Truman
President Truman seated at a dining room table in his home in Independence as he prepares to light the White House Christmas Tree
President Harry S. Truman Delivers State of the Union Address
A photo showing President Truman playing a few selections on his new United Nations spinet piano
A 10 x 14 photo showing President Truman playing a few selections on his new United Nations spinet piano, presented to him by the National Recreation Association as part of National Music Week. The piano is a specially designed composite from material contributed by various United Nations countries. Standing behind the President in the light suit is Justin Miller, President, National Association of Broadcasters.
President Truman watching Paul Carrino play a spinet piano made from material from various United Nations countries
President Truman during a press conference at the "Winter White House" in Key West
Photo of President Truman sitting in a canvas chair during his 1947 trip to Key West
An 11 x 14 informal portrait of a smiling President Truman siting in a canvas chair during his 1947 trip to Key West, Florida.
President Truman Poses in the White House Bowling Alley with Paraplegic Veterans
President Harry S. Truman (in light suit) poses with a bowling ball with Gerald A. Kopp (seated in wheelchair, left), Gordon W. Scott (seated in wheelchair, center), and Leo L. Ladouceur (seated in wheelchair, right) in the White House Bowling Alley. The men are winners in the ten pin bowling competition sponsored by the Bowlers Victory Legion and held within the Veterans Administration Paraplegic Centers. In the background, second from right, is Press Secretary Charles Ross. News photographers are visible in the foreground. This 11 x 14 photo is similar to 59-1281-1 but a better print.