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Photo of the American Delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco Meeting with President Truman at the White House

Shown in this 11 x 14 photo are the American Delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco meeting with President Harry S. Truman at the White House. Left to Right: Harold Stassen, Rep. Charles Eaton, Virginia Gildersleeve, Sen Tom Connally, Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Senator Arthur Vandenberg and Rep. Sol Bloom.

A photo of President Truman wearing a Shrine Fez presented by the Imperial Potentate of San Francisco

Wearing a Shrine Fez presented to him by the Imperial Potentate of the Shrine of San Francisco, President Truman in a joyful mood models his new desk gadget for photographers. A "Scram", "yes" and "no" on the sides of the triangle are designed to indicate his attitude. Shown with him are members of the Kansas City, Missouri Ararat Shrine Temple. This is a 11 x 11 photo of superior quality.