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Marshall, George C. (George Catlett), 1880-1959

John W. Snyder is Interviewed by Robert Cochran, continued

John W. Snyder interviewed by Robert Cochran for a biography of Snyder, continuation of previous recordings. John W. Snyder, former Secretary of the Treasury, discusses the military build-up to World War II and the fact that the U. S. had used World War I era weapons and materials for training until it became obvious that the U.S. would be involved. The first thing the U.S. did was to build factory capacity for a build-up. They first build weapons for the allies to their specifications. He talked of the need for more steel and what the government had to do to get the steel needed.

"Mr. Citizen," Interview of Harry S. Truman conducted by David Noyes and William Hillman

This is number 16 in a series of tapes (SR99-29 to SR99-43) made at the Harry S. Truman Library in preparation for the book "Mr. Citizen." William Hillman and David Noyes interview former President Harry S. Truman on various topics. There is a good discussion of General George C. Marshall to start this tape. They go on to talk about the Atomic Bomb, war, and world peace. Mr. Truman gives his plan for income tax. The volume on this tape is very low. Transcript available in Research Room.

President Truman's Address at the 172nd Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Washington Monument

President Harry S. Truman's Address at the 172nd Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence and the 100th Anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the Washington Monument, on the grounds of the Washington Monument. Recording also includes the Marine band, a brief introduction by George C. Marshall, and NBC radio host Charles Batter. Text of remarks not available in the Public Papers.

Former President Truman's Remarks on Receiving Honorary Degree From the University of Louisville

Former president Harry S. Truman's remarks on receiving honorary degree from the University of Louisville, Kentucky. Recording starts with a brass group playing "Pomp and Circumstance." An unidentified person gives an invocation. A representative of the board of trustees of the University of Louisville authorizes the honorary degree to be conferred. Another unidentified person confers the Doctor of Laws honorary degree upon former president Truman, giving a long list of achievements. Mr. Truman's remarks start around 8:00.

President Truman Presents the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Service Medal to General Marshall

President Harry S. Truman presents the oak leaf cluster to the Distinguished Service medal to General George C. Marshall upon his retirement from the office of Army Chief of Staff, as broadcast over the Columbia Broadcasting System, 12:30 P.M. EST. The presentation was given at the Pentagon. Text not available in Public Papers.

Dinner in Honor of General George C. Marshall

Speeches by President Harry S. Truman, former Secretary of State George Marshall, and Norwegian Ambassador Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne during a dinner honoring George Marshall at the Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC. The dinner celebrated the second anniversary of General Marshall's speech proposing the Marshall Plan. The speeches explain the Marshall Plan and how and why it worked. President Truman begins about 25:00 into the speech. From a recording in the Marr Sound Archives.