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Former president Harry S. Truman's remarks on receiving honorary degree from the University of Louisville, Kentucky. Recording starts with a brass group playing "Pomp and Circumstance." An unidentified person gives an invocation. A representative of the board of trustees of the University of Louisville authorizes the honorary degree to be conferred. Another unidentified person confers the Doctor of Laws honorary degree upon former president Truman, giving a long list of achievements. Mr. Truman's remarks start around 8:00. After his remarks, he encourages questions from the students, and gives an example of another student in Wisconsin who asked about birth control. A student asks about Democrats in Texas voting for Nixon; another student asks about President Kennedy's Peace Corps; another student asks about Castro in Cuba; another student asks about criticism of Yalta Conference; another student asks about donating money to release prisoners from Cuba; another student asks about the John Birch Society; another student asks about private business ownership; another student asks about the Americans for Democratic Action; another student asks why President Truman did not dismiss General MacArthur sooner. The ceremony finishes with a benediction. The brass group plays "Trumpet Tune" before the recording cuts off. From: Louisville Free Public Library.