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Leahy, William D. (William Daniel), 1875-1959

President Harry S. Truman Returns to the USS Sarsfield After Visiting Fort Jefferson

President Harry S. Truman (in white cap), Admiral William Leahy (right) and administrative Assistant to the President David Lloyd (behind Truman) on the way back to the USS Sarsfield. They are returning to the Sarsfield after a visit to the Fort Jefferson National Monument, while on vacation in Key West, Florida.

Truman and Barkley Families at White House

From left to right: Vice President-elect Alben Barkley; Mrs. Marian Barkley Truitt; Margaret Truman; First Lady Bess W. Truman; and President Harry S. Truman on the steps of the White House the day after President Truman won the 1948 presidential election. Standing behind Mr. Barkley and Ms. Truitt, partly obscured, are Admiral William D. Leahy and General Harry Vaughan. Standing behind President Truman, partly obscured, is Captain Robert Dennison. Standing in the background between Mrs. Truman and President Truman is Irving Geist. All others are unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Leahy, Truman, Nimitz, and others

President Harry S. Truman (in civilian clothes, third from right) on board the aircraft carrier U. S. S. Franklin D. Roosevelt, posing in front of a caricature of former President Roosevelt. With him are Admiral Chester Nimitz (second from right) and Admiral William D. Leahy (fourth from right, behind Truman, partly obscured). All others are unidentified.