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Gallegos, Romulo, 1884-1969

Truman meets President of Venezuela

President Harry S. Truman (front row, right) and President Romulo Gallegos of Venezuela (front row, left) are at attention in an airport ceremony upon the arrival of President Gallegos for a visit to the United States. The presidential airplane "Independence" is in the background. Standing behind Truman and Gallegos are, from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy (obscured by Truman); General Harry Vaughan; Captain Robert Dennison; unidentified Air Force officer; Colonel Robert Landry. Others are unidentified.

Truman meets President of Venezuela

President Harry S. Truman (front row, right)greets President Romulo Gallegos of Venezuela (front row, left) at the airport upon President Gallegos' arrival in the United States. In this photo they are walking from the presidential airplane "Independence." Admiral William Leahy is between the two men, in background. Walking behind President Truman are General Harry Vaughan (left) and Captain Robert Dennison (right, in white uniform). Others are unidentified.

Truman meets President of Venezuela

President Romulo Gallegos of Venezuela (front row, left) and President Harry S. Truman (front row, right) at attention in a ceremony at the Washington, D.C. airport where President Gallegos has just arrived for a visit. The presidential airplane "Independence" is in the background. Standing in the row behind Truman and Gallegos are, from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy (obscured by Truman); General Harry Vaughan; Captain Robert Dennison; unidentified Air Force officer; Colonel Robert Landry. Others are unidentified.