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Gallegos, Romulo, 1884-1969

President Harry S. Truman Receives Key to the City of Bolivar, Missouri

President Harry S. Truman (far right), President Romulo Gallegos of Venezuela (on left in front), and Mayor of Bolivar, Missouri Doyle C. McCraw are standing on the rear platform of the presidential train. The train is in the station at Bolivar, Missouri. President Truman has just received the key to the city. Truman dedicated a statue to Simon Bolivar in Bolivar, Missouri. The man in the background on the rear platform is unidentified.

Presidents Harry S. Truman and Romulo Gallegos on Train at Bolivar, Missouri

From left to right, President Romulo Gallegos of Venezuela, Mayor of Bolivar, Missouri Doyle C. McCraw, President Harry S. Truman, and General Harry Vaughan are standing on the rear platform of the presidential train during a playing of the national anthem. The train is in the station at Bolivar, Missouri, where President Truman was to dedicate a statue to Simon Bolivar.