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Harry S. Truman Library

Drawing, "I'm So Wild About Harry"

This is a photograph of a drawing by cartoonist Benjamin Levinson. It depicts a replica of President Harry S. Truman's campaign button featuring a braying donkey with the words "I'm So Wild About Harry" on the side. The text below the donkey says: "To Harry S. Truman, President of the United States. This picture is a symbol of the high regard in which you are held by your party and conveys as well the sentiment of millions of fellow Democrats who are eager to manifest their regard by their ballots on Election Day. Benjamin Levinson."

Political Cartoon, "No Encore"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by John Collins for the Montreal Gazette, originally published on April 2, 1952. It depicts President Harry S. Truman walking away from a piano labeled "White House piano" and carrying "The Presidency March." A donkey and Uncle Sam are peering around the opening of a doorway at Truman.

Political Cartoon on the Farm Program

This is a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman that appeared in the Washington Evening Star. Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan is sitting behind a desk heaped with mail and saying, "These are the questions and answers to the new administration farm program." Attorney General J. Howard McGrath is standing on the right and is saying, "I know the questions but could I er-er just have a peep at the answers?"

Political Cartoon by Jim Berryman

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Jim Berryman for the Washington Evening Star. The cartoon depicts President Harry S. Truman with a handkerchief and holding a newspaper with the headline, "[Thomas] Dewey and [Robert] Taft Feud Over Results of War Crimes Trials." Truman is depicted as saying, "Whew! At last somebody is mad at somebody besides me!"