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Harry S. Truman Library

Political Cartoon, "Shape of Things to Come"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Jim Berryman published in the Washington Evening Star on August 14, 1946. President Harry S. Truman, wearing an academic robe and mortarboard hat, delivers an address saying "...So, addressing you on behawf of my illustrious compatriot, I shall endeavor to refrain from indulging in cawsting aspersions of a vulgar nature..." His speech is resting on a stack of books labeled "Public Speaking" and "Higher Level Oratory." In the wastebasket is a piece of paper with "Give 'em H--- Technique" printed on it.

Political Cartoon by Clifford Berryman, "Sour Note"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon entitled "Sour Note" by Clifford Berryman for the Washington Evening Star. On the left, Robert Taft is holding a piece of paper that says "Eat Less." In the center, President Harry S. Truman is holding a piece of paper that says "Waste Less." On the right, Thomas Dewey is depicted as singing and is holding a piece of paper that says, "Don't Endanger Our Health."

Political Cartoon, "There's Always Room"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in the Washington Evening Star. President Harry S. Truman is sitting on a sleigh labeled "Truman Bandwagon" and being pulled by a donkey. Two men, labeled "Murray" and "Green", depicting Philip Murray and William Green, are pushing the wheels. A man labeled "Lewis," depicting John L. Lewis, is sitting indifferent on a fence. Truman is saying to Lewis, "There's always room for one more, John."

Political Cartoon, "How Many Lives"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman that appeared in the Washington Evening Star. Clement Attlee and President Harry S. Truman are standing on the left, with Truman saying, "How many lives do you suppose that bird has?" The bird he refers to is labeled the "Dove of Peace" and is sitting in a tree. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin is shown on the right, shooting at the bird with a weapon labeled "11th Russian veto."