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Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon, 1897-1977

Truman, Churchill, and others aboard the U. S. S. Williamsburg

Aboard the U. S. S. Williamsburg, from left to right, seated: Anthony Eden, Winston Churchill, President Harry S. Truman, Dean Acheson, John W. Snyder, and Robert Lovett. Standing, left to right: Walter Gifford, Omar N. Bradley, Sir Oliver Franks, Lord Cherwell, Lord Hastings L. Ismay, and W. Averell Harriman. They are on board the presidential yacht for a conference.

Churchill and his daughter Mary walk to his Potsdam residence

Prime Minister Winston Churchill (right) is accompanied by his daughter Mary, with Naval Aide and Foreign Minister Anthony Eden in the background, as they walk back to the Prime Minister's residence from the "Little White House" (residence of President Truman). They are attending the Potsdam Conference. From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, album number 1."

President Harry S. Truman in Conference on the USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman meets with a delegation of officials from Great Britain on board the presidential yacht, the USS Williamsburg. Standing, from left to right: Ambassador Walter S. Gifford, General Omar Nelson Bradley, Sir Oliver Franks, Lord F. A. Cherwell, Lord Hastings Ismay, and W. Averell Harriman. Seated, from left to right: Sir Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder, and Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett.

Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference

The Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference poses for photographers. President Harry S. Truman is near the center at the back end of the table, wearing a bow tie. Clockwise around the table, starting at President Truman: Charles Bohlen; two unidentified men; British foreign minister Anthony Eden; Prime Minister Winston Churchill; unidentified British military officer; Clement Attlee; unidentified man; Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin; two unidentified men; Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of State James Byrnes.

Conference table at the Potsdam Conference

General view of the conference table at the Potsdam Conference. This photograph is autographed on the border by Admiral Leahy, Charles Bohlen, Joseph E. Davies, President Truman, and Winston Churchill. Photos 72-4673 and 67-7587 show Winston Churchill signing this photo. This is one of four original prints in existence, photographed in color by a United States Army Signal Corps photographer using a hand-held camera. The original autographed photograph, measuring 20x24, is in the Museum collection.