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Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon, 1897-1977

British notables on reviewing stand for military parade during Potsdam Conference

British notables on the reviewing stand on the "Charlottenberger Chausee" during a British victory parade in Berlin. Left to right: Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Anthony Eden; and General Lewis Lyne, 7th Armored Division. From Potsdam album, 1945.

Foreign ministers meeting during the Potsdam Conference

Foreign ministers meeting during the Potsdam Conference. Secretary of State James Byrnes is at top of table, behind the flags. British Foreign Minister Anthony Eden is at the right side of the table, to the left of the man in the striped suit. Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov is partially obscured on left side of table. Others are unidentified. From Potsdam album, 1945

Opening of the Potsdam Conference

Opening session of the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany. President Harry S. Truman is seated foreground (back to camera). Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin is at right. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is at left. Secretary of State James Byrnes is seated to the right of President Truman. Admiral William Leahy is seated two to the right of President Truman. British foreign minister Anthony Eden is to the left of Winston Churchill. Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov is to the left of Prime Minister Stalin. From Potsdam album, 1945.