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Daniel, Clifton (Elbert Clifton), 1912-2000

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. Interviewing President of South Vietnam, Nguyen Van Thieu

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. (center) waits for the camera to roll for his interview with President Nguyen Van Thieu (left) of South Vietnam. The interview took place in Saigon during the Vietnam Peace Negotiations. On the right is Terence Smith, then chief correspondent of the New York Times in Vietnam. Part of a group of photographs belonging to E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. which he used in his book, "Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: A Memoir."

Baseball Hall of Famer Howard Elston in the Office of E. Clifton Daniel, Jr.

Baseball Hall of Famer Howard Elston (right) demonstrates how to hold the bat to onlookers (left to right) unidentified, Joe Durso and E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. The group is in the office of E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. at the New York Times. The notations on the back of the photograph read: "Elston Howard - Joe Durso Story - Sisto/wk 2-9-68 2-35mm - 88014."

President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy with Former President Harry S. Truman and Former First Lady Bess Truman at the White House

Dinner in honor of former President Harry S. Truman. Front row, left to right: former President Harry S. Truman, former First Lady Bess Truman, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy, pose for a photograph at the White House before attending a concert. Back row, left to right: Military Aide to President Kennedy, General Chester V. Clifton; Margaret Truman Daniel; E. Clifton Daniel, Jr.; Naval Aide to President Kennedy, Captain Tazewell T. Shepard.

Soviet Foreign Minister V. Molotov Takes Argentine Ambassador Leopold Bravo for a Boat Ride

E. Clifton Daniel took this photograph of Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov rowing a boat containing Argentine ambassador Leopold Bravo (facing camera) on a lake on the former estate of Prince Orlov. Note on the back of the photo reads in part: "On their return, when the prow was hauled ashore, the stern sank, and the ambassador found himself sitting in water." The event was a party given for foreign diplomats and their families by Soviet Premier Nikolai A. Bulgain. Part of a group of photographs belonging to E.