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Daniel, Clifton (Elbert Clifton), 1912-2000

Margaret Truman Daniel and E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House

Margaret Truman Daniel stands next to her husband, E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House. The note on the back of the photograph reads: "Abraham Lincoln slept here, but we did not. The famous bed is reputedly the hardest one in the White House. We posed there, at the request of the photographer." The Daniels were the guest of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Howard Elston Shows E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. How to Hold a Baseball Bat

Baseball Hall of Famer Howard Elston (right) demonstrates how to hold the bat to onlookers (left to right) unidentified, Joe Durso, and E. Clifton Daniel Jr. The group is in the office of E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. at the New York Times. The notations on the back of the photograph read: "Elston Howard - Joe Durso Story - Sisto/wk 2-9-68 2-35mm - 88014."

Pope Paul VI Greets the Daniel Family at Castel Gandolfo Outside of Rome

Pope Paul VI (left) shakes hands with Clifton Truman Daniel (center, left) and William Wallace Daniel (center, right) while their parents, Margaret Truman Daniel (behind Clifton Truman Daniel) and their father, E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. (right), look on. An unidentified priest stands next to the pope and another unidentified priest stands in the background. The meeting took place at Castel Gandolfo, the papal palace outside of Rome, Italy. Part of a group of photographs belonging to E. Clifton Daniel, Jr., which he used in his book, "Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: A Memoir."