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Byrnes, James F. (James Francis), 1882-1972

President Harry S. Truman on the Admiral's Barge with Others

President Harry S. Truman and others are standing on board Admiral Sir Ralph Leatham's barge, preparing to visit the HMS Renown. From left to right: Secretary of State James Byrnes, Admiral William Leahy, Admiral Allan R. McCann (back), Admiral Ralph Leatham, President Harry S. Truman, and an unidentified sailor on the bow. From the album "President's Trip to the Berlin Conference Vol. 2 of 2."

President Harry S. Truman at Harrowbeer Airport

President Harry S. Truman and Secretary of State James Byrnes stand with members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) at Harrowbeer Airport in Plymouth, England. From left to right: Section Officer Eira Buckland-Jones, President Truman, Corporal Clarice Turner, Secretary of State Byrnes, and Leading Aircraft Woman Audley Bartlett. Others in the background are unidentified. From the album "President's Trip to the Berlin Conference Vol. 2 of 2."

The Big Three Sit Down for the First Meeting of the Potsdam Conference

The Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference poses for photographers. President Harry S. Truman is near the center at the back end of the table, wearing a bow tie. Clockwise around the table, starting at President Truman: Charles Bohlen; two unidentified men; British foreign minister Anthony Eden; Prime Minister Winston Churchill; unidentified British military officer; Clement Attlee; unidentified man; Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin; two unidentified men; Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of State James Byrnes.

President Harry S. Truman Speaks with Captain James Foskett

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, left) is chatting with Captain James Foskett, Commanding Officer of the USS Augusta (foreground, right). President Truman is on board the Augusta to return to the United States after his trip to the Potsdam Conference. Also present is Secretary of State James Byrnes (behind Foskett, partly obscured). All others are unidentified. From the album "President's Trip to the Berlin Conference Vol. 2 of 2."

Clement Attlee, President Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin and Others Seated in a Garden at Potsdam

President Harry S. Truman, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee and Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin with their aides in the garden of Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam, Germany, during the Potsdam Conference. Seated, left to right: Prime Minister Attlee, President Truman, and Prime Minister Stalin. Standing, left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy; British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin; Secretary of State James Byrnes; and Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov. From the album "President's Trip to the Berlin Conference Vol. 2 of 2."