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Brooks, Philip Coolidge, 1906-1977

President Aleman, Truman and Others During Visit of Aleman to Truman Library

From left to right, University of Kansas Chancellor Clarke Wescoe (partly obscured); United States Information Agency Sanford Marlowe; Nathan Stark (partly obscured); former President Miguel Aleman of Mexico, and former President Harry S. Truman during President Aleman's visit and luncheon at Truman Presidential Library. Standing on the right in the background is Truman Library Director Dr. Philip Brooks.

Truman with Soldiers at Medal of Honor Exhibit

Former President Harry S. Truman (left) shakes hands with Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Millett (far right), a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient for his service in the Korean War. They are attending a special exhibit on the Congressional Medal of Honor at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Also present is Truman Library Director Dr. Philip Brooks (second from left) and Sergeant Blaine (second from right).

Former President Harry S. Truman and Soldiers at Medal of Honor Exhibit

Former President Harry S. Truman (left), Truman Library Director Dr. Philip C. Brooks (at microphone), Sergeant Blaine, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Millett and M. Waldo Hatler. This photo was taken at a temporary exhibit on the Medal of Honor at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Lieutenant Colonel Millett was a Medal of Honor recipient for service in the Korean War, and Mr. Hatler was a Medal of Honor recipient for service in World War I.

Group at Hoover Library Dedication

People attending a dinner as part of the dedication ceremonies for the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch, Iowa. Seated around the table in the foreground are (starting to the left of the woman standing in white): Truman Library Director Dr. Philip Brooks; Mrs. Wayne Grover; Archivist of the United States Wayne Grover; Eisenhower Library Director Robert Bolton; Frank Nye (back to camera), and Mrs. Frank Nye. All others are unidentified.

Group at Driggs Presentation of Maps and Books

Howard R. Driggs (second from left, partly obscured), President of the American Pioneer Trails Association, during the presentation of maps and books as gifts to the Harry S. Truman Library. Also present are Truman Library Museum Curator Milton Perry (left), Mrs. J. Roger DeWitt (fourth from right), and Truman Library Director Dr. Philip C. Brooks (right). Children and other women are unidentified.