Unidentified Harry S. Truman Library employees are watching a demonstration of fire extinguishing equipment and practices during fire prevention week. Truman Library Director Dr. Phil Brooks is fourth from the left (wearing sunglasses, partly obscured).
Senator Estes Kefauver (left) and Truman Library Director Dr. Philip C. Brooks in the Presidential Exhibit room of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library.
Luncheon at Harry S. Truman Presidential Library during the visit of former President of Mexico Miguel Aleman. Starting at lower left center: Florence (Mrs. Roy) Roberts, Rufus Burrus, Dorothy (Mrs. Philip C.) Brooks, Sanford Marlowe, Harry Darby, two unidentified people, Robert Adams, former President Aleman, former President Harry S. Truman, Ambassador Gonzalo J. Facio of Costa Rica, Ambassador James J. Wadsworth, Joyce Hall, four unidentified people, L. P. Cookingham, Mrs. Rufus Burrus, Truman Library Director Philip C. Brooks, Mrs.
Luncheon at Harry S. Truman Presidential Library during the visit of former President of Mexico Miguel Aleman. Starting at lower left center: Florence (Mrs. Roy) Roberts, Rufus Burrus, Dorothy (Mrs. Philip C.) Brooks, Sanford Marlowe, Harry Darby, two unidentified people, Robert Adams, former President Aleman, former President Harry S. Truman, Ambassador Gonzalo J. Facio of Costa Rica, Ambassador James J. Wadsworth, Joyce Hall, four unidentified people, L. P. Cookingham, Mrs. Rufus Burrus, Truman Library Director Philip C. Brooks, Mrs.