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Boykin, Frank William, 1885-1969

Dinner Attended by John R. Steelman and Members of Congress

Assistant to the President John R. Steelman is attending a dinner with numerous members of Congress present. Standing at Speaker's table from left to right: Reverend Cranford, Majority Leader John W. McCormack, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee J. Howard McGrath, Congressman Frank W. Boykin, Chief Justice Fred Vinson, Speaker Sam Rayburn, Minority Leader Joe Martin, Vice President Alben Barkley. Immediately behind Barkley is Attorney General Tom Clark, Chairman of the Arrangement Committee Colonel Albert Ernest.

J. Howard McGrath at Dinner Event with Boykin and Others

From left to right: Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Fred Vinson, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Representative Frank Boykin, and Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Tom Clark at an unspecified dinner event. A group of unidentified singers is on stage behind the men. Inscribed by Frank Boykin: "For Hon. Howard McGrath, Sincerely, Frank W. Boykin, M. C., Alabama."