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Boykin, Frank William, 1885-1969

Dinner Event Attended by Frank Boykin and Others

Unspecified dinner event attended by Representative Frank Boykin and others. Standing behind the central table are, from left to right: two unidentified men, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Fred Vinson, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Representative Boykin, Vice President Alben Barkley, and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Tom Clark. Also present is John Steelman, Assistant to the President (lower table, fourth from the right). All others are unidentified. Photo is inscribed: "For Hon. Howard McGrath Frank W. Boykin Alabama."

J. Howard McGrath with Representative Boykin and Others

Unspecified dinner event attended by Representative Frank Boykin and others. Standing at the head table, in front of the band on the stage, from left to right: two unidentified men, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, Representative Frank Boykin, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Fred Vinson, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, unidentified man (partly obscured by microphones), vice President Alben Barkley, and an unidentified man. Other unidentified people also in picture. Inscribed by Frank Boykin: "For Hon. Howard McGrath, Sincerely, Frank W. Boykin, Alabama."