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Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956

Justice Black Testimonial Dinner

Hugo L. Black Testimonial Dinner held at the Hotel Statler in Washington D.C. to present the Thomas Jefferson Award of the Southern Conference for Human Welfare to Justice Black. From left to right are Alben W. Barkley, Hugo Black, Clark Foreman, and Fred M. Vinson. The photo is autographed by all four men along the bottom.

Dean Acheson, Vice President Alben Barkley, Mrs. Vandenberg, and Senator Arthur Vandenberg

Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Michigan, accompanied by Senator Alben Barkley, Kentucky, and Mrs. Vandenberg, left for the Paris Peace Conference Saturday. Acting Secretary of State Dean Acheson saw them off. Left to right: Dean Acheson, Senator Alben Barkley, Mrs. Vandenberg, and Senator Arthur Vandenberg. From: Beth Gore.

President Truman meets for the first time with both party leaders of the congress

President Harry S. Truman, seated, gives a double handshake to Republican leaders during their first conference with him at the White House. Leaders are left to right: Rep. Sam Rayburn, House Minority Leader; Rep. Charles A. Halleck, House Majority Leader; Senate President Pro-Tempore Arthur H. Vandenberg; Speaker of the House Joseph W. Martin, Jr.; Sen Wallace White, Senate Majority Leader and Sen. Alben Barkley, Senate Minority Leader. This is an 11 x 14 photo nearly the same as 69-72, but much better quality.