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Women in politics

India Edwards at podium

India Edwards, Executive Director of the Women's Division, Democratic National Committee, stands at the podium holding a large balloon just released from a box. The event, date, and location are unidentified but may be during the 1948 Democratic Convention. (The photo has a portion cut out at left bottom.)

Democratic women at a luncheon

Female backers of the Democratic party are shown at a campaign luncheon in Washington, D.C. Seated, left to right, are: Georgia Neese Clark, Richland, Kansas, Democratic National Committeewoman from Kansas; Mrs. Randolph Carpenter, Topeka, Kansas, wife of nominee for Democratic governor of Kansas; Mrs. Margaret Parkin, Cleveland, Ohio, Democratic School Campaign speaker, honored guest; Mrs. Laurence Kliesen, Dodge City, Kansas, State Speakers Bureau Director, Ford County Chairman; and (standing) Mrs. Ralph S.