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Women in politics

President Truman at Women's Democratic Dinner

President Truman tonight hailed a Democratic victory in New York as a portent of a new sweep for his party in the 1950 Congressional election. Speaking before the Women's National Democratic Dinner at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D. C., as their guest of honor, the Chief Executive told the group that he is "exceedingly happy" over today's election outcome. Bess Truman can be seen on the left. The woman in the center is unidentified. From: Mrs. Bertha R. Friant.

India Edwards, Robert Weatherford, and Herbert Hoover at the Truman Library Dedication

Standing before a row of chairs set up in front of the new Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, a group of dignitaries gathers for the dedication ceremonies. Right to left are: India Edwards (former head of the Democratic Women's Committee), Independence Mayor Robert Weatherford, and former President Herbert Hoover. The others are unidentified. From: Truman Library Dedication.

Georgia Neese Clark, India Edwards, Robert Weatherford, and Herbert Hoover at the Truman Library Dedication

Standing before a row of chairs set up in front of the new Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, a group of dignitaries gathers for the dedication ceremonies. Right to left are: Georgia Neece Clark Gray, India Edwards, Independence Mayor Robert Weatherford, and former President Herbert Hoover. The others are unidentified. From: Truman Library Dedication