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President Truman and First Lady Bess Wallace Truman Walking Home From Voting

President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess Truman stroll home from Memorial Hall, where they vote. Both seem in a jovial mood. They voted in the Missouri Primary. Newsmen and members of the Chief Executive's Secret Service detail accompany them as they walk the block and a half to the "Summer White House" on Delaware Street in Independence, Missouri. The President left immediately for Washington. Same as 68-1507 but better print. From: Houston Post.

Hannegans Voting

Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan (left) and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan (second from left) vote in the basement of a house in the 1st Ward, 12th Precinct in St. Louis, Missouri. Women at right unidentified.

Hannegans Voting

Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan (standing, left) and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan (standing, right) vote in the basement of a house in the 1st Ward, 12th Precinct in St. Louis, Missouri. Others on left are unidentified.