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Harry S. Truman Casts his Ballot in Jackson County

Former President Harry S. Truman flashes a big smile as he steps from the voting booth today in the Memorial Building in Independence, Missouri. He had just cast his ballot on one of Jackson County's new voting machines (seen in background). This was the first time the machine had been used in a general election. However, a similar one was used in Missouri's August primary. Prohibited from taking his usual long morning walk, Harry S. Truman said that he was able to take advantage of the election today to make the two-block walk from his home. From: Houston Post.

Harry and Bess Voting

Independence, Mo. President Harry S. Truman holds his ballot in hand as he waits for his wife, Bess, to get her ballot from the clerk as they go to the polls to vote here today. The President and his wife cast their vote in the seventh precinct of Blue Township. Clerk is unidentified. From: Houston Post.