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Truman and Johnson at Truman Committee 22nd Anniversary Dinner

Color matted photo showing President Harry S. Truman and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and other distinguished guests at the 22nd Anniversary Dinner of the Truman Committee held in Washington, D.C. Seated to the right of Johnson is Tom Clark and to the left of Truman is Homer E. Ferguson who is seated fifth from the left, outside row of the table. Original photo is in oversize file. See also 2013-2268 for same photo.

Vice President and Mrs. Alben W. Barkley, Dean Acheson, and Others at Reception

Vice President and Mrs. Alben W. Barkley enjoy a joke with their guests at a reception they gave in their Waldorf-Astoria Hotel suite just prior to the $100 a plate Democratic Party Dinner. Left to Right: Mrs. Max Truitt, Mr. Barkley's daughter; Mrs. William M. Boyle, Jr., Mr. William M. Boyle, Jr., Mrs. Barkley, Vice President Alben Barkley, and Secretary of State Dean Acheson. Mr. Boyle is chairman of the Democratic National Committee.