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President Harry S. Truman and Vice-President Alben Barkley Arrive in Washington, D.C

President Harry S. Truman (waving hat) and Vice-President Alben Barkley ride in the car during a motorcade during arrival in Washington, D. C. after winning the election. Seated between them is Democratic National Committee Chairman J. Howard McGrath. All others are unidentified. From: Charles Ross Papers, 12x18 Metal Album.

A group including Truman and Johnson in the auditorium during Johnson's visit to the Truman Library

A group onstage in the auditorium during Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's visit to the Truman Library. Former President Harry S. Truman is seated at the piano and Johnson is leaning on the right side of the podium. Also pictured are Dr. Philip C. Brooks, and photographers Bill Straeter, Wes Lyle, Joe Adams, Sam Feeback, and Ken White.