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Former President and Mrs. Truman photographed with unidentified dignitaries after their arrival for the 1955 reunion of the 35th Division in Little Rock, Arkansas

Former President and Mrs. Truman photographed with unidentified dignitaries after their arrival for the 1955 reunion of the 35th Division in Little Rock, Arkansas. From a red leather album of photos, a gift from Ralph E. Truman. These photos are similar to 66-6600 through 66-6616.

Former President Truman and Governor Orval Faubus with guests at the 1955 reunion of the 35th Division in Little Rock, Arkansas

Former President Harry S. Truman (center) and Governor Orval Faubus (to the immediate left of Mr. Truman) with guests at the 1955 reunion of the 35th Division in Little Rock, Arkansas. From a red leather album of photos, a gift from Ralph E. Truman. These photos are similar to 66-6600 through 66-6616.