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President Truman greets Gov. Sidney McMath at 35th Division Reunion in Arkansas

President Harry S. Truman (in hat) smiles and greets Arkansas Governor Sidney McMath (second from left), while Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder and Mary Jane Truman stand next to them during the 35th Division Reunion at Little Rock, Arkansas. Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Nathan G. Gordon is at far left. This photo is similar to 67-343.

Overhead Photograph of Former President Truman at a Truman Committee Reunion Banquet

Overhead photograph of former President Harry S. Truman at an Truman Committee banquet in 1957. Charlie Clark is seated to the left of the Mr. Truman and has signed the mounting: To my old boss Harry S. Truman with affectionate memories of "The Old Truman Committee" Charlie Clark - 12 November 1957. Harry Vaughan is seated in front of the President. From the Truman estate 12/3/74, transferred from Museum Collection 5/28/75.

Former President Truman at the speaker's podium for the 1955 reunion of the 35th Division in Little Rock, Arkansas

Former President Truman at the speaker's podium of the banquet held for the 1955 reunion of the 35th Division in Little Rock, Arkansas. From a red leather album of photos, a gift from Ralph E. Truman. These photos are similar to 66-6600 through 66-6616.