President Truman and Rufus Burrus
President Truman with Admiral Dennison and General Landry
President Truman and staff on vacation
Group photo of President Harry S. Truman and his party while on vacation at Key West, Florida. Front row, left to right: John Steelman, Chief Justice Fred Vinson, President Truman, Admiral William Leahy, William Hassett. Back row, left to right: William Bray, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charles Ross, General Harry Vaughan, Wallace Graham, and Eben Ayers.
President Harry S. Truman at the 38th Annual Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at the Lincoln Memorial
President Truman with Secretary of State Dean Acheson and Congressman Abraham Ribicoff
President Harry S. Truman meets with Secretary of State Dean Acheson (seated at left), Congressman Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut (standing at left), and an unidentified man.
President Truman Delivers the Closing Address at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco
President Truman Delivers the Closing Address at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco
A snapshot of President Harry S. Truman, his sister Mary Jane, and his brother Vivian
Snapshot of President Harry S. Truman, his sister Mary Jane (center), and his brother J. Vivian Truman (right). The event and date are unknown; however the photograph was developed the week of November 10, 1952.
President Harry S. Truman and two of his family members
Faded color snapshot of President Harry S. Truman with two unidentified members of his family. The event and date are unknown; however, the snapshot was printed the week of November 24, 1952.