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Portrait of H. Graham Morison

H. Graham Morison, Assistant to the General Counsel of the War Production Board, 1941-43; Captain, United States Marine Corps, 1943-45; Special Assistant to the Attorney General of the United States, 1945; Executive Assistant to the Attorney General, 1945-48; Assistant Attorney General and head of the Civil Division, 1948-50; Assigned to establish the Office of Economic Stabilization, 1950; Acting Deputy Attorney General, 1950; Assistant Attorney General and head of the Anti-Trust Division, 1950-52; and private law practice in Washington, D.C., 1952-76.

Portrait of Raymond P. Brandt

Raymond P. Brandt, Reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1917 and 1919; American Relief Administration, Vienna, Austria, 1920; District Supervisor, American Relief Administration, Vitebsk, Russia, 1922-23; Correspondent, Washington Bureau, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1923; Chief of Bureau, Washington, D.C., 1934-61; and Contributing Editor, 1962-67.

Portrait of James W. Riddleberger

James W. Riddleberger, Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, United States Department of State, 1944-47; counsellor of embassy, and chief, political section, American Military Government, Berlin, Germany, 1947-50; acting political adviser to commander-in-chief, United States Forces, Germany, 1949-50; political adviser to Economic Cooperation Administration, Paris, 1950-52; appointed a career minister, 1950; director, Bureau of German Affairs, U.S.

Portrait of Oscar R. Ewing

Oscar R. Ewing, Attorney, Hughes, Hubbard & Ewing, New York, New York, and predecessor firms, 1919-1947; Assistant Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, 1940-42; Vice Chairman, 1942-47; Special Assistant to the United States Attorney General, 1942 and again in 1947; Acting Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, 1946; Administrator of the Federal Security Agency, 1947-53; and organizer and member of an unofficial political policy group during the Truman administration, 1947-52.