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Portrait of Davidson Sommers

Davidson Sommers, Air Corps officer assigned to office of Assistant Secretary for Air, 1942-44, and to Assistant Secretary of War, 1944-46; Special Assistant to Secretary of War, 1946; Attorney in legal department, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), of the World Bank, 1949-59.

Portrait of William M. Rountree

William M. Rountree, Staff Officer on the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine, 1945-46; special assistant to the director, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State, 1946-48; member of the American Economic Mission to Greece, 1947; diplomatic service in Greece, 1948-49, Turkey, 1952-53, and Iran, 1953-55; Deputy Director, 1949-50, and Director, 1952, Office of Greek, Turkish and Iranian Affairs, Department of State.

Portrait of Harding Bancroft

Portrait of Harding Bancroft which was used in his oral History interview. Chief, Division of United Nations Political Affairs, Department of State, 1945, later Director, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs; U.S. Deputy Representative U.N. Collective Measures Committee with personal rank of Minister, 1950-53. Served as an assistant to the U.N. commission that investigated the Greek crisis in 1947.

Portrait of Harry N. Rosenfield

Portrait of Harry N. Rosenfield, which was used in his Oral History interview. Principal attorney and assistant to Federal Security Administrator, 1942-48; Member, United States Delegation to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Geneva, Switzerland), 1948; Commissioner, United States Displaced Persons Commission, 1948-52; and Executive Director, President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, 1952-53.

Portrait of Samuel P. Hayes

Portrait of Samuel P. Hayes, used in conjunction with his Oral History interview. He held various positions in the United States government in Washington, Algiers, London, Scandinavia, mainly for the Foreign Economic Administration and the Department of State 1942-45, 1948-51; Chief, Special Technological and Economic Mission, Indonesia, 1951-52; Assistant Director, Mutual Security Agency, Far East, 1952-53.

Portrait of Henry H. Fowler

Portrait of Henry H. Fowler, a participant at the 1979 Conference, sponsored by the Truman Library Institute. Mr. Fowler was Special Assistant to Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration, 1945; Deputy Administrator, National Production Authority, Department of Commerce, 1951, Administrator, 1952. Conference: "The Economic Policies of the Truman Administration."

Portrait of U. Alexis Johnson

Portrait of U. Alexis Johnson. He was interviewed for an oral history. Mr. Johnson was a United States career Foreign Service officer, from 1935. He later served as Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1953-58; to Thailand, 1958-61; to Japan, 1966-69; and as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, 1969-73.