Cartoon, entitled "Ouch," depicting former President Truman as a bee stinging an elephant. From R. N. Palmer. Original copy of cartoon is inscribed "To Harry S. Truman with Best Regards R. N. Palmer."
Photograph of a wall of political cartoons (in an unknown location) relating to President Truman. This photo appears on Page 227 of the book "Mr. President," published in 1952, by William Hillman.
This is a photograph of a Jim Berryman cartoon showing President Harry S. Truman sitting at his desk holding a newspaper with the headline "President writes another letter!" He is asking Joseph Short, his Press Secretary, "Why didn't you tell me that this was the Caudle I knew all about?" The cartoon is autographed as follows: Jim Berryman, Star, With Regards from One Penman to Another!