Cartoon by Charles G. Wermer
Cartoon, entitled "Big Opportunity" by Charles G. Wermer, commenting on the leadership of President Harry S. Truman.
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Jon Kennedy for the Arkansas Democrat. It depicts President Harry S. Truman and a man labeled John Q. Public standing on one side of a scale that is labeled Democratic. On the other side of the scale, which is labeled Republican, are people labeled "x-perts," radio, press, and pollsters, standing with Thomas Dewey.
Cartoon, entitled "---and on two legs" by Karl Knecht, relating to President Harry S. Truman's winning of the 1948 presidential election. The original date of the cartoon is November 3, 1948.
Political cartoon by Dorman H. Smith entitled "Housing problem still unsolved" regarding President Harry S. Truman's 1948 election victory. Published circa 1948.