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Welders working in winter

Welders working on the pipeline in winter in eastern Pennsylvania. The welders are tying in a section of pipe on the crest of a hill of almost solid rock. From the Scrapbook War Emergency Pipelines, Inc.: Construction Views, Eastern Extension of East Texas-East Coast Pipeline Volume II.

Stove piping on the pipeline

Stove piping in the Allegheny Foothills. Terrain is so rough and muddy that only one stalk of pipe can be tied into the line at a time. Progress slows but does not stop. From the Scrapbook War Emergency Pipelines, Inc.: Construction Views, Eastern Extension of East Texas-East Coast Pipeline Volume II.

View of pipeline

View of pipeline with overbend and side bend as it moves downhill. This pipeline is entering the western slopes of the Alleghenies in western Pennsylvania. The combination bend is factory-made by the National Tube at Lorain. From the Scrapbook War Emergency Pipelines, Inc.: Construction Views, Eastern Extension of East Texas-East Coast Pipeline Volume II.

Tow cat pulling a stringer truck

Tow cat (a D-7) pulling a stringer truck up a hill. The stringer truck strings out pipe along the right of way to keep the line moving. When the stringer slows down, the tow cats lend a hand. From the Scrapbook War Emergency Pipelines, Inc.: Construction Views, Eastern Extension of East Texas-East Coast Pipeline Volume II.