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Emergency pipeline

View of emergency pipeline for oil to the East. Temporary 20 inch pipeline detour of flood break in War Emergency Pipeline at Little Rock, Arkansas was laid in 99 hours. The line moved across barnyards, cotton fields, beneath city streets and across a railroad bridge to span the damage and restore the "Big Inch" oil movements for the East.

Veteran pipeliners stringing emergency by-pass loop

Group of veteran pipeliners stringing pipe for emergency by-pass loop in Arkansas. The by-pass loop restored major oil movement to the East, which was disrupted by a flood on the Arkansas River. Many pipeliners worked 24 hours at a stretch to help complete the by-pass loop quickly. Five hundred veteran pipeliners volunteered to build the 8-mile by-pass of the flood break in the "Big Inch." All workers unidentified.

Cutting pipe

Cutting off and making 30 degree bevel of 24 inch seamless pipe for War Emergency Pipelines, Inc. (oil pipelines) at Lorain Works. Unidentified man running the machine.