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Unknown Man Stands at Microphone During USS Manchester Celebration

An unknown man stands at microphone during celebration of the USS Manchester's return to Long Beach, California after tour in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. Hollywood actresses are seated behind him, including Virginia Field and Joyce Mackenzie (left and second from left), Monica Lewis (second from right), and Dorothy Lamour (right). Standing in the background is Captain Lewis Parks, commanding officer of the USS Manchester. All others are unidentified.

Seaman Charles Ryan and Dorothy Lamour

Seaman Charles Ryan, a member of the USS Manchester crew, and Dorothy Lamour dance the hula during celebration of the USS Manchester's return to Long Beach, California after tour in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. Hollywood actresses are seated behind them, including Monica Lewis, far right with Captain Lewis S. Parks, Commanding Officer of the USS Manchester behind her. Others are unidentified.

Seaman Charles Ryan and Dorothy Lamour Dance

Seaman Charles Ryan, a member of the USS Manchester crew, and Dorothy Lamour dance the hula during celebration of the USS Manchester's return to Long Beach, California after tour in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. Hollywood actresses are seated behind them, including Monica Lewis, far right with Captain Lewis S. Parks, Commanding Officer of the USS Manchester behind her. Marilyn Monroe is standing next to Captain Parks. Virginia Field is seated on the left. All others are unidentified.

Actress Monica Lewis Smiles for the Camera

Actress Monica Lewis stands at a microphone on stage during celebration of the USS Manchester's return to Long Beach, California after tour in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. She is reaching for an autographed photo of herself. Hollywood actresses are seated her, including Carole Morton (second from left) and Dorothy Lamour (third from left, partly obscured). In the background, third from the right, is Captain Lewis S. Parks, Commanding Officer of the USS Manchester. All others are unidentified.

Dorothy Lamour at Microphone During USS Manchester Celebration

Dorothy Lamour stands on stage at a microphone during the USS Manchester's celebration upon arrival in Long Beach, California after being in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. Hollywood actresses are seated behind Lamour, including Joyce Mackenzie (left) and Monica Lewis (second from right). Standing in the background on the right is Captain Lewis Parks, commanding officer of the USS Manchester. Others are unidentified.