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Naval officers

USS Manchester Celebration Show

A troupe of Hollywood actors and actresses performed a show for crew members of the USS Manchester upon their arrival to Long Beach, California after being in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. Seated in the first row are Virginia Field (left), Joyce Mackenzie (second from left), Monica Lewis (third from right), and Dorothy Lamour (second from right). Standing in the background, second from right is Captain Lewis Parks, commander of the USS Manchester. Others are unidentified.

Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson Cutting Ribbon at Ceremony

Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson announces the Power for Peace Photographic exhibit official open by cutting a satin ribbon. He was accompanied by (left to right) Secretary of the Navy Robert B. Anderson; Rear Admiral Lewis S. Parks, Navy Chief of Information; General Nathan Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff; Secretary of the Air Force Harold E. Talbott; General of the Army Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (mostly obscured); Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens; and General John Hull, Vice Chief of Staff, Army.

Seaman Eugene Reddel and Actress Monica Lewis

Seaman Eugene Reddel of Baytown, Texas, a member of the USS Manchester crew, poses for a photo with Monica Lewis, dubbed "Miss Manchester" by the Manchester crew during celebration of the USS Manchester's return to Long Beach, California after tour in the Korean War Zone for nearly a year. Seated behind them are actresses Joyce Mackenzie (left) and Dorothy Lamour (second from right). Standing in the background is Captain Lewis Parks, commander of the USS Manchester. Others are unidentified.