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Naval officers

Stalin, President Truman, and others during the Potsdam Conference

Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Stalin (foreground, left) and President Harry S. Truman (foreground, right) during the Potsdam conference. Behind them are: V. N. Pavlov, Russian interpreter; Captain James K. Vardaman (partly obscured by Pavlov); Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador to the United States; and Charles Ross, Presidential Press Secretary (behind Gromyko).

Portrait of Admiral Robert L. Dennison

Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy, 1923; Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, 1945-47; Commander of the U.S.S. Missouri, 1947-48; Naval Aide to President Harry S. Truman, 1948-53; Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Command, Commander of the Atlantic Fleet, and Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, 1960-63. Printed outside border of photo: "Rear Admiral Robert Lee Dennison, U. S. N. January 1948 to January 1953".

U.S. and Iraqi representatives standing on porch of White House

President Harry S. Truman (front row, right), Prince Abd al-Ilah of Iraq (front row, left), and representatives of the government of the United States and Iraq, standing on the porch in front of the White House. In second row are Major General Harry Vaughan and Captain James K. Vardaman. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes is in the third row, fourth from the right. Lieutenant George Elsey is next to the door on the right. All others are unidentified.