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Naval officers

President Harry S. Truman, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and General George S. Patton

Everyone stands at attention at a flag-raising (Flag of Liberation) ceremony in Berlin, Germany. From left to right, General Dwight Eisenhower, General George Patton, and President Harry S. Truman. President Truman is in Germany to attend the Potsdam Conference. Standing behind President Truman is Captain James Vardaman, Truman's Naval Aide. All others are unidentified.

Last meeting of the Potsdam Conference

Last meeting of the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany. President Harry S. Truman is on the right, opposite the United States flag on the table. Seated to the right of President Truman are Secretary of State James Byrnes, Admiral William Leahy, and Soviet Ambassador to the United States Andrei Gromyko. Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin is at the top, in the white uniform. Seated on the left of Stalin is Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. British Prime Minister Clement Attlee is seated in the left corner, opposite the British flag on the table.