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Naval officers

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Tour At Treasure Island in California

U.S. Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews, standing on the right wearing a hat and top coat, is shown on an inspection tour of the Naval Station and Receiving Station on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay in California. In this view the inspecting party is watching a demonstration at the Fire Fighting School. The U.S. Navy officers with the Secretary are not identified. Secretary Matthews was in California to participate in Armed Forces Day ceremonies at the Presidio in San Francisco.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews Touring Navy Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, standing in the center wearing a top coat, is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is standing with a group of unidentified Navy officers and they are looking at an aerial photograph resting on an easel and which is probably the supply station. A ship is in view behind them.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Tour of Naval Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, standing in the center wearing a top coat, is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is standing with two unidentified Navy officers and passing by a group of U.S. Marines standing at attention.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews On Tour of Navy Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, standing on the left in a dark suit, is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is accompanied by a group of unidentified Navy officers and a civilian and appears to be touring a warehouse where at this location wooden crates are being made.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Naval Shipyard

Distance view of an honor guard and military band while Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews is on an inspection visit of the U.S. Naval Shipyard located at San Francisco, California. View includes the touring bus on the right used by the Secretary as well as various buildings located near the dock. Secretary Matthews is standing in the center of the photograph wearing a top coat. There is a band in the photo.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews At Naval Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews standing on the right with hat in hand is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is accompanied by an unidentified Navy officer and a woman and appears to be touring a book distribution area of this military supply center.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews Touring Navy Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, standing second from the left, is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is accompanied by a group of unidentified Navy officers and appears to be touring a shop area of some sort at this military supply center.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Tour of Naval Supply Center

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews is shown in the center of the photograph wearing a hat and suit. He is on an inspection tour of the U.S. Naval Supply Center located in Oakland, California. He appears to be in a warehouse facility and inspecting some type of assembly line operation. Unidentified assembly line workers, Navy officers and another man are also in view.