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Naval officers

Joint Civilian Orientation Conference Held At Fort Benning, Georgia

A group of military and government officials are shown seated together while attending a fifth Joint Civilian Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia on November 4-5, 1949. Identification includes left to right: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations; Louis Johnson (holding gun), Secretary of Defense; General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Air Force Chief of Staff; and Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews Inspects Treasure Island in California

U.S. Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews is shown standing in the center with a group of mainly Navy officers standing behind him. Secretary Matthews is to inspect the Naval Station and Receiving Station on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. He was in California in connection with Armed Forces Day ceremonies held at the Presidio in San Francisco. The group in view is standing at attention during the playing of the Ruffles and Flourishes.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews On Inspection Tour in California

U.S. Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews, standing on the far left, is shown while on an inspection tour of the U.S. Navy facility at Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. He and some U.S. Navy officers are inspecting the laundry facilities which included automatic washers and dryers recently installed. Secretary Matthews was in California to participate in Armed Forces Day ceremonies at the Presidio in San Francisco.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews On Inspection Tour of Navy Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, standing in the center wearing a top coat, is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is standing with a group of unidentified Navy officers and they are looking at aerial photographs which are probably of the supply station. A ship is in view behind them.

Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews On Inspection Tour of Navy Supply Center in California

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, standing in the center wearing a top coat, is seen while on an inspection tour of the Naval Supply Center (later called Fleet and Industrial Supply Center) located in Oakland, California. He is standing with a group of unidentified Navy officers and they are all in a small boat with a larger ship in the background.