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Ferdinand Marcos Delivering a Speech at the Pacific War Memorial

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (standing) delivering a speech during the inaugural ceremony for the Pacific War Memorial. Seated behind him are United States Ambassador to the Philippines G. Mennen Williams (front row, third from the left), Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos (fourth from left), and Nancy (Mrs. G. Mennen) Williams (fifth from left). All others are unidentified. The memorial is located on the island of Corregidor, Philippines.

Ferdinand Marcos Presenting an Award to Armistead Seldon, Jr., at the Pacific War Memorial

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (left) presenting the Ancient Order of Sikatuna Award for the late Honorable Emmet O'Neal to Congressman Armistead Selden, Jr., during the Pacific War Memorial inaugural ceremony. Seated in the background on the right is the First Lady of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos. Others are unidentified. The Pacific War Memorial is located on the island of Corregidor, Philippines.