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Architects Perspective Drawing of the Pacific War Memorial

Architects perspective drawing of the Pacific War Memorial located on the island of Corregidor, Philippines. Shown predominantly at the center is the rotunda with a circular altar directly under the dome's oculus. On the left foreground is the tourist building housing a museum and film projection room. Beyond the rotunda on the left is the monument on a raised platform at the end.

Imelda Marcos and Nancy Williams Cut Ceremonial Ribbon for the Pacific War Memorial

Philippine First Lady Imelda R. Marcos (center) and Nancy (Mrs. G. Mennen) Williams (right), wife of the United States Ambassador, cut the ceremonial ribbon for the Pacific War Memorial during the inaugural ceremony for the memorial. Looking on his Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (left). All others are unidentified. The memorial is located on the island of Corregidor, Philippines.

Ambassador Williams Delivering a Speech at the Pacific War Memorial

Ambassador G. Mennen Williams (standing) delivering a speech during the inaugural ceremonies for the Pacific War Memorial. Seated behind him is Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (left), Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos (second from left), and Nancy (Mrs. G. Mennen) Williams. All others are unidentified. The memorial is located on the island of Corregidor, Philippines.

Marcos and Williams Signing Turnover Document for the Pacific War Memorial

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (left) and United States Ambassador G. Mennen Williams (right) signing the document for the turnover of the Pacific War Memorial from the United States government to the Philippine government during the inaugural ceremony for the memorial. All others are unidentified. The memorial is located on the island of Corregidor, Philippines.