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The Horseshoe Area of Camp Doniphan

View south from the eminence near FD 17N where the tent of the Commanding General, 35th Division, Missouri and Kansas National Guard was located in 1917-1918. This is in Camp Doniphan, in Oklahoma. Milton Perry (curator of museum at Harry S. Truman Library) and Mr. Gillette Griswold are seen in the photo. These photos were found in the desk of former President Harry S. Truman.

Village View in Asiatic Russia

View which shows the outline of a village or possibly ruins in an area of Asiatic Russia, perhaps Uzbekistan. According to Charles Thayer's curriculum vitae: "In 1955 I made an extended tour of European and Asiatic Russia and wrote a series for the Saturday Evening Post on post-Stalinist Soviet Union." Although not identified, this photograph is believed to have been taken during that trip.

Egyptian Landscape Near Cairo

View includes the Egyptian landscape believed to be located just south of Cairo, Egypt. Photograph taken as part of a trip author and diplomat Charles Thayer and his wife Cynthia took to Egypt and other countries in northern Africa in 1961. Trip journey and photos intended for possible magazine articles. Original negatives are in the Harry S. Truman Library collection.