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President Harry S. Truman and others at a baseball game

President Harry S. Truman and members of his staff attending a baseball game between the Washington Senators and the Boston Red Sox. From left to right are: Vice President Alben Barkley; Chief Justice Fred Vinson; Major General Harry Vaughan (behind Vinson); Major General Robert Landry (behind Truman); President Truman; Matthew Connelly (behind Truman and Griffith); Clark Griffith, owner of the Washington Senators; Admiral William D. Leahy; Bucky Harris, manager of Senators; Lou Boudreau, manager of the Red Sox.

George Marshall taking the oath of office as Secretary of State, with guests

George Marshall taking the oath of office with, pictured from left, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Admiral William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral James H. Foskett, General Harry H. Vaughan, John W. Snyder, Tom C. Clark, George C. Marshall, President Harry S. Truman, General Walter Bedell Smith, Clinton P. Anderson, Fred M. Vinson, Julius A. Krug, James F. Byrnes, and Lewis B. Schwellenbach. Autographed by all present.